Editorial Committee
Prof. PhD ALBU Nadia
"Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems" (ISSN: 1583-4387)
Prof. PhD CIOCOIU Nadia
"Management and Economics Review" (ISSN: 2501-885X, e-ISSN)
DINU Mircea
"Theoretical and Applied Economics" (ISSN: 1844-0029,online)
Assoc. Prof. PhD ENEA Constanța
"Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series" (ISSN: 2344-3685)
Prof. PhD GHERGHINA Ştefan Cristian
Economies - Special Issue “The Effects of Uncertainty Shocks in Booms and Busts” (ISSN: 2227-7099)
Mathematics - Special Issue “Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Financial Services Industry” (ISSN: 2227-7390-online)
"Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development" (WBJAERD) (ISSN: 2683-572X-online)
Prof. PhD GHIMIȘI Ștefan Sorinel
"Journal of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Society" (ISSN: 2668-0416)
Prof. PhD NĂSTASE Carmen
"The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration" (ISSN: 2344-3847, online)
Prof. PhD NĂSTASE Marian
"Revista de Management Comparat International" (ISSN: 1582-3458)
Prof. PhD PANAIT Mirela
"Economic Insights - Trends and Challenges" (ISSN: 2284-8584, online)
Assoc. Prof. PhD. PENEVA Mariya
"The Yearbook of UNWE" (ISSN: 2534-8949-online)
Prof. PhD SIMION Cristina
"FAIMA Business and Management Journal” (ISSN: 2344-4088)
Prof. PhD. ŞARPE Daniela
Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics (ISSN: 1584-0409)
Prof. PhD ȚUCLEA Claudia Elena
"Cactus: Tourism Journal for Research, Education, Culture and Soul" (ISSN: 2247-3297, online)
Prof. PhD ZAMFIR Andreea
"Business Excellence and Management" (ISSN: 2668-9219, online)