Our conference proposes that the papers presented will be submitted for publishing in partner journals. The paper template will be chosen according to the journal desired (in registration form) and is available here:
"Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University - Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics" *
"Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series" *
"Business Excellence and Management" *
"Cactus: Tourism Journal for Research, Education, Culture and Soul"
"Economic Insights - Trends and Challenges" *
"FAIMA Business and Management Journal"
"Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems" *
"Journal of Financial Studies"
"Journal of Research and Innovation for Sustainable Society"
"Management and Economics Review" *
"Revista de Management Comparat International" *
"The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration" *
"Theoretical and Applied Economics" *
"Western Balkan Journal of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development" (WBJAERD)"
"Economies - The Effects of Uncertainty Shocks in Booms and Busts" - MDPI - WoS (ESCI)/Scopus
"Mathematics - Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Financial Services Industry" - MDPI - WoS (SCIE)/Scopus
“Sustainability - Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Agrifood Economy” - MDPI - WoS (SCIE, SSCI ) / Scopus
* Journals indexed in at least 3 international databases.